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Rules of happiness: Think about thyself, not to hurt others..

Rules of happiness: Think about thyself, not to hurt others

 follow some principles!

In these modern world we became so much self centered that we don’t bother to care for other people’s! We don’t pay attention that our parents or loved ones or may be your friend or family can be hurt by our acts or by our words! We don’t have any time to think about how other people’s can be affected by our work! We don’t pay attention to behave nicely & kindly with our relatives! We don’t think that it is important to wish in their anniversaries or in someone’s special days! We just running and running after fame, work, money or success! But everything is interrelated!
You can’t be success without the appreciation from other people! We can’t performed well without the help of others! So we all need to be united and helped each other. But instead of doing these, we all love to do opposite of all those!
In these modern days: we also come across some dodgy people, that kind of people not only harmful for you, they are harmful for all of the society. They are full of negative thoughts & they tried to influenced also other people by those s their wicked thoughts! Which is a shame!
In these present days: if you raise voice for the truth, then that negative minded people will judge you as a bossy or clever. They won’t like you, they don’t let you to do your own work. Some people will take all of the advantages from you, they will use you in order to achieve their goal.
But when they accomplished or achieved their goal then they will not delay to kick you out ! So be careful from that kind of wicked people! In ancient times pious gentleman warned us about that kind of people.
According to Chanakya who was a great man in Indian subcontinent had warned us hundreds of years ago! He told that ” you must not be very simple so that people will use you and then cut you from their life! He had warned us that ‘Straight trees are always cut first’. But my problem is I always believe people at the first point and when they already knew everything then they show their real face to me, which hurts a lot!
Specially while in abroad I have come across that kind of people a lot. It hurts me several times by their act. But I didn’t change yet unfortunately!
In these present time, some people will talk shit about you. They love to spread rumors about you to your relatives, if possible they also do the exact things to your friends also which is a shame for you. If you raise your voice then they will tell that of you know that girl or boy has serious problems! She or he doesn’t maintain any relationships… he he. 
But why don’t they understand that all people in this world are not naughty like them, she or he has plenty of good friends. I feel pity for that kind of life less people! Please go away from someone’s life, instead of making hell to other people’s life, try to make your life wonderful. Some people are not happy in their lives so their purpose is also to make other people’s life in hell! How pity!!

Rules of happiness: Think about thyself, not to hurt others.. Rules of happiness: Think about thyself, not to hurt others.. Reviewed by Info89 on December 06, 2018 Rating: 5

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