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Be Positive

Be Positive...
A positive mind can bring victory in every phases of our life. Positive thinking is our mental attitude in wich we expect good and favorable results. Alternatively it can be said that positive thinking is the process of creating thoughts and it’s create and transform energy into reality. A positive mind waits for happiness, health and a happy ending in any situation.

A positive mind is very important to be successful, motivated or to rich in life. For that we have to be focused and strong, definitely need hard work to reach our goal.
There are some obstacles for our thinking process. Sometimes it comes from our subconscious mind where it is telling that you are not well enough to that! It’s came from our toxic and poisonous thinking. Thinking process is also work with what we believe in our mind. Day by day this negativity become stronger and we become failure to reach our goal .
This negative thoughts are become very dangerous! The more attention we pay to this, the more serious it becomes. So for the sake of our own happiness we need to avoid it. We can seek help for counseling or advises from organizations whose are dealing with mental stress or negativity. It can also resolve by meditation.

We can do some homework by ourselves. For example, we can focus what work we can perform independently, we need to pay attention what we are good at, so when it tells all negative things about ourselves, then our focused mind will work against these negativity!
Firstly I recommend know thyself! Know about your strengths and weaknesses…. work on it for improvement! Another suggestion is sometimes weakness is good. Because if you know you have a weakness that particular area then you can work on this and you can be a better version of yourself! As we know no man is perfect and at the same time, I will say imperfection is not bad. It will guide us or give us a clue how we can improve ourselves.
If someone always blame you and find faults of all your work then straight away ask them what you have done that he or she is critical to you. Give your justification what you are good at, give a reason why you are good enough for your work. Or tell them you are not be blamed without any reason.
Actually, you know  my raison is very significant for me that is self-love, self-respect and self-awareness. These three things will help us to grow our self-confident. So love yourself and think about positivity, think about what kind of good work you can do or what kind of good work you have done so far! Praise your own work. Maybe you can make a list that in this month I will do this 10 good things which will help me to improve my inner strength! This kind of task is very rewarding! After accomplishing all those tasks from your bucket lists, you will feel peace in your mind. It’s also improve your strength which helps to your positive mind.

Try to accept new things, try to accept your own work and try to appreciate what you have done. You know firstly your first obstacle, e.g. your negative mind will always tell you don’t do this, you are not good enough in this work! In this scenario locked your negative thinking and try to make all of the negative thinking into positive, this way you can improve a lot and also in this way you can boost your confidence level more compare to before.

In abroad most of the people are alone, specially migrated people they are far away from their own family and friends! But that doesn’t mean you will be sad, depressed always! If it will make you sad always then you will lose your positive energy. I came here a long time back and in my contry’s home, lots of people are there and relatives come very often for visiting. So After came here I miss my family a lot.

But that will not refrain me to make new friends or socializing. I got here lots of good friends, colleagues and neighbours. They are all so good and nice, I can share a lot of things with them. Which play a big role in my life, because if you feel bad then it’s better to share this with your closest one. It can work as a therapy. Sometimes I console my mind that this country is very good, developed and very safe compared to my country. Here rules and regulations are also very high and it ensures the safety of our life.fb://page/340819136470569
Here we know lots of problems we are facing, for example, this year the cold weather was extreme. As I come from a moderate hot weather country so this harsh weather suffers me a lot. Actually, this Aussie weather is very different compared to our own country. But we need to learn and cope up with these differences! In this way we can solve all of our issues! Like Napoleon said ‘There shall be no Alps”! …….

When Napoleon talked of invading Italy, one of his officers said: “Hut, sire, remember the Alps.” To an ordinary man, these WOUld have seemed simply Insurmountable, but Napoleon responded, eagerly; “There shall be no Alps.”

The strength of a positive mind is great and lots of things can be achieved through our positive mind. Let’s be positive, think positive and work positively. Success is on our way 💚
Rules of happiness: Think about thyself, not to hurt others& follow some principles!With 2 comments
I love to explore ideas with my passion, I believe in freedom and love to spread happiness to the people I care for. Life is beautiful and we can make it more beautiful if we want, otherwise, it will go in the wrong direction. I am a lawyer from Sydney, Aussie land which is known as a land of sunshine 🌞 No matter how it feels when someone never accepted the way you are, no matter someone never appreciate your good work or someone never cares about you! I believe always ‘ my life, my responsibility and I am the only one who can only change my luck by the blessings of Almighty God’. These all are my thoughts and I believe and work according to my terms!!! So please love your life and cherish it! ❤️💞💜
Be Positive Be Positive Reviewed by Info89 on December 05, 2018 Rating: 5

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